This section features planting methods, and site preparation. It is important to prepare the site (pull invasive plants, etc.) before planting. Resources also include discussion on underground utilities, planting bare root seedlings and potted seedlings, best planting tools, and tree protection methods. Since many waterways are regulated, please review the regulations in section 9 [LINK]. Please see the Trees section [LINK] of Planting Westchester for additional resources depicting best tree planting methods.
Title: Backyard Buffers: A Guide to Planting Your Own Riparian Buffer System
Sponsoring organization: Highstead and the Hudson to Housatonic Initiative (H2H)
Description: 16-page guide to planting a riparian buffer system including illustrations and color photos, recommended plants, buffer template, planting and maintenance instructions, helpful tips, and a list of resources.
Title: Where Land and Water Meet: A Guide for Protection and Restoration of Riparian Areas
Sponsoring organization: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, CT
Description: 118 pages. A comprehensive do- it-yourself and easy to follow handbook on protecting and restoring riparian areas, how to get assistance on riparian areas, how to get soil analyzed, plant lists, planting methods, and more. Chapters 5 and 6 focus on siting and planting techniques.
Title: How to Plant Native Plants
Sponsoring organization: East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District
Description: Simple tips and instructions to ensure that your native plants are properly planted and will thrive.
Title: How to Plant and Maintain Native Plants
Sponsoring organization: Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Description: Simple tips and instructions regarding site selection, seed and plant selection, planting techniques, and weed control.
Title: Planting guide "Planting and Caring for your Seedlings"
Sponsoring organization: NYS DEC Division of Lands and Forests
Description: A 12-page planting guide for seedling trees with maintenance and predator protection instructions and illustrations.