Native plants are labeled at the New York Botanical Garden.
Title: Distance Learning - Water Education Courses
Sponsoring organization: Penn State Extension
Description: Webinars, videos, articles, etc. on water quality and watershed protection. Topics include "Backyard Stream Repair," "Tips for Success in Establishing and Maintaining Forested Stream Buffers," "Simple Solutions for Your Eroding Backyard Stream," and more.
Resources for the curious and large scale projects
Title: Conservation Buffers: Design Guidelines for Buffers, Corridors, and Greenways
Sponsoring organization: US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Description: 136 pages, downloadable pdf, or purchasable book. Provides over 80 illustrated design guidelines for vegetative buffers, synthesized and developed from a review of over 1400 research publications. Translated into several languages.
Title: Federal Stream Corridor Restoration Handbook
Sponsoring organization: US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Center
Description: This extremely comprehensive document encapsulates the rapidly expanding body of knowledge related to stream corridors and their restoration. It includes the full range of possibilities facing restoration practitioners, including no action or passive approaches, partial intervention for assisted recovery, and substantial intervention for managed recovery. It also includes case studies.
Title: Chesapeake Bay Riparian Handbook - A Guide for Establishing and Maintaining Riparian Forest Buffers
Sponsoring organization: US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Description: 481 pages, downloadable pdf. Provides in-depth illustrated design guidelines for vegetative buffers. Somewhat technical, but very informative for anyone trying to learn about buffers and their ecological values
Title: Where Land and Water Meet. A Guide for Protection and Restoration of Riparian Areas
Sponsoring organization: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, CT
Description: 118 pages. A comprehensive do-it-yourself easy to understand handbook that defines riparian areas and buffers and their importance, and describes how to protect and restore riparian areas.
Title: New York State Federation of Lake Associations
Sponsoring organization: New York State Federation of Lake Associations
Description: A website with lots of information on lake and lakeside care.
Title: Diet for a Small Lake: The Expanded Guide to New York State Lake and Watershed Management
Sponsoring organization: NYS Federation of Lake Associations, Inc. in cooperation with the NYS DEC
Description: 319 page book which "Contains information about the ecology, monitoring, and management of lakes and watersheds throughout New York State. This guide is written for both lake residents and professionals, and includes case studies and examples from New York State lakes."