Dobbs Ferry Chauncey Park Project at Saw Mill River
After preparing and planting your buffers you will need to provide maintenance for one to two years after you plant. This includes weed control, watering, and inspecting for insects and disease.
Title: Site Maintenance Guide for Streamside Plantings
Sponsoring organization: NY State Department of Environmental Conservation
Description: A “Trees For Tribs” 12-page site maintenance guide for seedling trees in pdf format. Note: Page 2 features a photo of a Mt. Kisco Park Trees for Tribs project.
Title: Landscaping at the Water's Edge: An Ecological Approach
Sponsoring organization: University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Description: Chapter 5 (pp 53-61) provides detailed planting and maintenance instructions, including weed and pest management and pruning.
Title: Guides for How to Plant Trees Successfully
Sponsoring organization: My Woodlot
Description: Website featuring videos and useful fact sheets on maintenance and protection and more.