Animal fencing
Most animals are a nuisance that can be put up with. Deer and groundhogs, on the other hand, can wipe out your entire crop in moments. The best way to prevent deer and groundhogs from entering your garden is with 7 foot fence that is about 18-24 inches deep. Fencing can be easily and inexpensively installed.
Title: Collection of articles about protecting crops from pests
Author/Source: The Spruce
Description: Ideas for protecting vegetables and fruits from pests, including rodents, deer, etc.
Title: Deer Proof Gardens: 4 Sure-fire Ways to Keep Deer Out of your Garden
Author/Source: Jessica Walliser, Savvy Gardener
Description: Discusses 4 methods to deter deer: Deer resistant garden plants, fencing, repellents, and scare-tactics.
Title: The Self-Sufficient Life and How to Live It: The Complete Back-to-Basics Guide
Author/Source: John Seymour
Publisher: DK Pub., 2018
Description: Ch. 2, Food from the Garden, pp. 50-55, "Protection from Pests." Provides advice for dealing with common animal and insect pests such as mice, cats, deer, aphids, and others. Also includes a list of beneficial insects, and best practices such as companion planting to deter pests and disease.