This raised-bed garden has been prepared with good soil and edging on the path next to it, ready for seedlings to be planted.
Planting is a fun part of starting your vegetable garden and takes the least amount of time. You can plant with seeds or transplant seedlings from packs or pots. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, and you will have to decide which is best for you based on your site limitations and your ability to start seed indoors.
Some crops need a longer growing season to produce ripe fruits, so starting seed indoors or in a greenhouse is necessary for those. But mostly, it is purely a personal preference to start from seed or transplant seedlings.

Read your seed packets carefully before you start to plant the seeds contained in them. And remember to double-check local timetables, especially if you have purchased your packets at a national chain. Those packets often are intended for a wide range of environments -- another good reason to buy seed from a local or regional seed specialist.
Title: Seed Sowing and Planting Outdoors
Author/Source: New York Botanical Garden
Description: In May, after the last frost, start thinking about planting out warm-season vegetables and tender annuals and perennials. Here are a few tips on seed sowing and planting out seedlings -- your summer bounty.
Title: Planting Vegetable Seeds Outdoors
Author/Source: Bronx GreenUp, New York Botanical Garden
Description: This tip sheet lists those plants that prefer to be seeded directly into the ground rather than being grown in trays and then transplanted into the garden. The sheet then tells exactly how to prepare and do that sowing.
These seedlings were started in late March and placed under a grow light until ready for transplanting.
You can help your plants deal with this region’s short growing season by planting seeds in flats or small containers in early spring. That way, the plants can get a head start indoors until the weather is warm enough to move them into the ground. Although starting seedlings is an excellent use of a greenhouse, you don’t need one: you can just grow seedlings on a windowsill or even under grow lights in a dark closet. Once you have transplanted your seedlings into the garden, make sure to give your new plants at least 2 weeks of daily watering to encourage rooting
You can also grow microgreens indoors for a constant source of fresh greens throughout the year. It’s the same idea as starting seedlings -- except you eat them instead of planting them!
If you choose to buy seedlings that are already grown, Most local nurseries sell vegetable seedlings in the spring.
Title: Starting Seeds Indoors
Author/Source: Bronx GreenUp, New York Botanical Garden
Description: A tip sheet with all the materials and steps needed to start seeds indoors and transplant the seedlings into your garden once the danger of frost is over.
Title: Grow Your Own Microgreens Micro-Course
Author/Source: Fruition Seeds in Naples, NY
Description: Free online course from organic seed supplier for the Northeast includes the best soils and seeds for microgreens; step-by-step instructions for success; tips for optimizing germination; easy solutions to common mistakes.
Use Growth Timetables
Westchester has a range of frost dates and growth seasons. It’s a good idea to check local timetables for your area.
Title: Westchester County Vegetable Planting Calendar
Author/Source: Cornell University Cooperative Extension, Westchester County
Description: General gardening calendar listing planting dates for vegetables and flowers grown in Westchester County. Dates are based on New York City and modified, so northern Westchester County dates may vary somewhat.
Title: First and Last Frost Dates
Author/Source: The Old Farmer's Almanac
Description: Find your planting calendar by zipcode.