Our local nurseries have an amazing array of useful tools and supplies. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice and help. Where your budget permits, aim for high-quality gardening tools and supplies. They last longer and perform better. But if your budget does not permit, don’t let that get in your way. Get less expensive tools, find them used, share with other gardeners, substitute one type of tool for another that you already have on hand.

Many plant scraps and weeds will come out of your garden, so having a compost bin that can accommodate the debris is very helpful. The compost created is then available to go back into the garden in future years.
You can buy a bin, or build a compost pile. You can even use worms to make compost in a cheap plastic bin with newspaper and food scraps! Westchester County in partnership with the Greenburgh Nature Center sells compost bins and rain barrels annually. Call (914) 813-1251 for more information.
Title: Outdoor Composting Guide
Author/Source: New York Botanical Garden
Description: In simple language and with illustrations this is a comprehensive guide to composting; from setting up the bin to checking to see when the compost is ready.
This is something you can discuss with your local nursery, who can refer you to experts or even sell you DIY systems. Some of these tools and systems are real work-savers, and others (like rain barrels) are even environmentally conscious. If you purchase hoses, look for ones whose insides will not leach bad chemicals or lead into your plants (look for hoses labeled "drinking water safe"). Make sure to determine your watering system before planting.
Title: Watering Systems for Your Vegetable Garden
Author/Source: Charlie Nardozzi and the editors of The National Gardening Association
Description: Briefly described and discussed are watering systems such as sprinklers, regular hoses, soaker hoses, and the most complicated way to water plants, a drip system.
Title: Rain Barrels
Author/Source: Westchester County Department of Planning
Description: Article about a great way to save on your water bills and ensure that your plants don't suffer in the next drought - rainwater harvesting with rain barrels. Rain barrels can be purchased through the County in partnership with the Greenburgh Nature Center.
Title: The Best Drip Irrigation Systems for Your Garden
Author/Source: Bob Vila
Description: The host of the TV series “Home Again” reviews three different drip-irrigation systems and explains the technology, its installation, and maintenance.
Many vegetables are vines that need support like a stake or trellis to climb on. Others may need something like a support cage or slings to support the weight of the fruit. There are many creative ways to accomplish this, from very formal obelisks, to repurposed branches for pea staking, to tomato cages -- and anything else you can conjure.
And, as plants and their produce grow you may need more of these than you realize. It pays to plan ahead.
Title: A Complete Guide to Vertical Gardening (on a Budget!)
Author/Source: Roots and Refuge Farm
Description: Excellent information for folks with small yards or who want to maximize production. Includes ways to avoid buying expensive trellises and fencing.
Title: Trellises and cages to support garden vegetables
Author/Source: University of Minnesota Extension
Description: Clear description of the different types of support systems, and when and how to use them.
Get the basic gardening tools first, then add more as needed. Gardening tools and equipment are found at local independent garden supply stores in Westchester County. Having a clean, dry place nearby for tools, pots, and soil amendments is very helpful, if possible. Tool sheds range in price from $100 to over $5,000. If you’re just starting out, you can find much less expensive solutions to simply store your tools in. You can even build tool storage systems yourself for as little as $10.
Title: 42 Different Types of Sheds for Your Backyard
Source/Author: Home Stratosphere
Description: This guide sets out 42 different types of sheds based on style, size, roof, material, foundation and features. Each shed example includes photos and a detailed description.
Title: $10 DIY Garden Tool Storage
Source/Author: Ana White
Description: Super simple way to use 2 2x4’s to make a garden tool storage rack that costs about $10 in materials, is easy to customize for your space and tools. Free plans
Title: Essential Garden Tools
Author/Source: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
Description: This is a great guide for tools, especially for beginners. This guide has useful photos, and links.
Title: Ergonomic Tools for Gardening
Author/Source: North Carolina Cooperative Extension
Description: This site helps one find ergonomically designed garden tools to reduce stress and strain on your joints.