The Bureau handles all appellate work for the County in both State and Federal courts, including the New York Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court.
Opinions and Advice:
One of the roles of the Bureau is to provide legal advisory opinions. Elected officials, as well as other County officers, seek legal guidance, which is provided by the Appeals Bureau through both formal and informal opinions. Members of this Bureau are also assigned to provide ongoing advice and guidance for County initiatives, projects and operations.
The Appeals Bureau assists the County Board of Legislators, the County Executive, and the rest of County government in drafting, reviewing, and advising on both local and state legislation that impacts the County.
The Bureau also advises on all aspects of the legislative process, to ensure laws are properly enacted.
Legislation Process Demystified:
When a request for legislation comes in, the Bureau first must analyze whether the County has the authority to enact the law, whether the legislation would be preempted by state or federal law, if it would be subject to a referendum, and if there are any other legal impediments to its adoption. After conducting those analyses, the Bureau then works with the requesting official to develop the legislation, to ensure it meets the intended goals, drafting the legislation and helping prepare the committee report, a transmittal letter, and other necessary documents. Once the legislation has been introduced to the Board of Legislators, the Bureau appears before committees of the Board to discuss the legislation, answer legal questions, and assist with revisions requested by the legislature.
Special Litigation:
The Appeals Bureau also handles, typically in conjunction with the Litigation Bureau, some of the most complex and high-profile litigation involving of the County. These matters span from civil rights actions to multi-million-dollar breach of contract actions.