Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

The Westchester County administration is committed to running a transparent government. As part of that, it complies with the New York State Freedom of Information Law (FOIL). In addition, many county records, including those relating to county contracts, are available online.

FOIL provides the public with the right to access certain government records. The New York State Legislature clearly noted the purpose of FOIL, as specified in the New York State Public Officers Law §84:

The legislature hereby finds that a free society is maintained when government is responsive and responsible to the public, and when the public is aware of governmental actions. The more open a government is with its citizenry, the greater the understanding and participation of the public in government.

FOIL requires governments to accept FOIL requests for records submitted in the form of electronic mail and to respond by electronic mail to the extent practicable.

If you wish to make a FOIL request for documents by e-mail, enter at least the required information, as indicated by the field names in bold text and then select from the drop down menu the appropriate county department to which you wish to direct your FOIL request. If you have documents to send to the department, wait until the department contacts you to coordinate sending any further information.

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From the drop-down menu, select the department to which you wish to send your FOIL request:
Please select a department

Enter the verification code in the field below in order to submit the form. If you cannot read the code, click the circle of arrows to retrieve a different one.

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