Many vegetables are vines that need support like a stake or trellis to climb on. Others may need something like a support cage or slings to support the weight of the fruit. There are many creative ways to accomplish this, from very formal obelisks, to repurposed branches for pea staking, to tomato cages -- and anything else you can conjure.
And, as plants and their produce grow you may need more of these than you realize. It pays to plan ahead.
Title: A Complete Guide to Vertical Gardening (on a Budget!)
Author/Source: Roots and Refuge Farm
Description: Excellent information for folks with small yards or who want to maximize production. Includes ways to avoid buying expensive trellises and fencing.
Title: Trellises and cages to support garden vegetables
Author/Source: University of Minnesota Extension
Description: Clear description of the different types of support systems, and when and how to use them.