Open Competitive





County Service · Westchester Medical Center · Towns · Villages · School Districts

Special Districts · Cities of Peekskill & Rye


Last Filing Date: 8/12/22

Date Posted: 7/26/22

JBCL: C2713


Exam #: 67-424

Exam Date: 10/22/22



Westchester County - Westchester Medical Center


County will waive the fees for civil service exams through December 31, 2022.



Westchester County is only accepting applications submitted on-line for our civil service examinations.  Paper Applications WILL NOT be accepted.




Candidates may use computers available at the Westchester County One-Stop Employment Center, located at 120 Bloomingdale Road in White Plains, or at local libraries in Westchester County to Complete the on-line application.  Please call (914) 995-2388, if you have any questions.




Westchester County


$56,070 - $69,890

Westchester Medical Center


In Accordance with Negotiated Agreement




There are no residence requirements to participate in the examination, but preference in appointment may be given to eligibles that have been residents in the appointing jurisdiction for 30 days prior to the examination and at the effective date of appointment.




Either: (a) Bachelor's Degree* in Business or Public Administration, Finance, Accounting or a closely related field; or (b) Bachelor's Degree* and one year of experience where the primary function of the position was in budgeting, financial auditing, financial planning or accounting.


NOTES:  (1) The number of years of experience required in the minimum qualifications is based upon the presumption of full-time employment. Part-time experience will be prorated based on a 35 hour workweek. (2) Verified and documented volunteer (unpaid) experience will only be credited when specifically allowed by the job description or examination announcement.


*SPECIAL NOTE:  Education beyond the secondary level must have been awarded by a college or university accredited by a regional, national, or specialized agency recognized as an accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education/U.S. Secretary of Education.




If your degree and/or college credit was awarded by an educational institution outside of the United States and its territories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency.  A list of acceptable companies who provide this service can be found at Evaluation fees must be paid by the applicant.




Under general supervision, an incumbent of this class assists higher-level professionals in planning, designing and maintaining budgetary activities and systems in a County department, in accordance with County administrative policies and accepted practices within the field. This is the entry-level title of the Budget Specialist series and is distinguished from the journeyman level, Budget Specialist II classification by independence of action as well as the scope and complexity of assignments. Supervision is not a responsibility of this class. Does related work as required. 




The eligible list established as a result of this examination will be utilized, where appropriate, for filling any current or future vacancies in all agencies under the jurisdiction of the Westchester County Department of Human Resources.




WRITTEN TEST - designed to test for knowledge, skills, and/or abilities in such areas as:


  1. Preparing written material - These questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately, and to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly. For some questions, you will be given information in two or three sentences followed by four restatements of the information. You must then choose the best version. For other questions, you will be given paragraphs with their sentences out of order. You must then choose, from four suggestions, the best order for the sentences.


  1. Budgeting - These questions are designed to test for knowledge of the principles and practices involved in governmental budgeting and may include, but not necessarily be restricted to, terminology associated with the budgeting process and budget cycle; the selecting of data for analysis (summarization and synthesis) in order to make inferences and draw conclusions which will provide a basis for making budget recommendations; applying analysis techniques to data (computation skills); the techniques involved in and factors affecting forecasting and trend analysis; presenting budget information at the level of analysis and type of perspective appropriate to the needs of each person/entity that you are communicating with; and actions associated with budget execution such as analysis of program outcomes or responding to situational changes after a budget has been passed.


  1. Understanding and interpreting tabular material - These questions test your ability to understand, analyze, and use the internal logic of data presented in tabular form. You may be asked to perform tasks such as completing tables, drawing conclusions from them, analyzing data trends or interrelationships, and revising or combining data sets. The concepts of rate, ratio, and proportion are tested. Mathematical operations are simple, and computational speed is not a major factor in the test. You should bring with you a hand-held battery- or solar-powered calculator for use on this test. You will not be permitted to use the calculator function of your cell phone.


  1. Evaluating conclusions in light of known facts - These questions will consist of a set of facts and a conclusion. You must decide if the conclusion is proved by the facts, disproved by the facts or if the facts are not sufficient to prove or disprove the conclusion. The questions will not be specific to a particular field.


Test guide: The New York State Department of Civil Service has not prepared a test guide for this examination. However, candidates may find information in the publication 'General Guide to Written Tests' helpful in preparing for this test. This publication is available on line at:




1.     Unless otherwise notified, candidates are RECOMMENDED to use quiet, hand-held solar or battery powered calculators.  Devices with typewriter keyboards, spell checkers, personal digital assistants, address books, language translators, dictionaries, or any similar devices are prohibited.  You may not bring books or other reference materials to the examination location.

2.   If you are filing for examinations offered by other agencies (New York State, another County, Cities of Yonkers, New Rochelle, White Plains, etc.) that are being given on the same date as this examination, you must make arrangements to take all examinations at one test site. You are also required to complete and return the Cross Filer Form, available at Westchester County Department of Human Resources, 148 Martine Avenue, Suite 100, White Plains, NY 10601 or download the form at, to this office no less than two (2) weeks prior to the examination date.  Failure to provide such information on time may result in disqualification from one or more examinations in this series.  There is NO reciprocity with New York City and you must make a choice between the two jurisdictions.  Furthermore, if you have applied for both New York State and Westchester County examinations, you must take all examinations at the state examination center. Candidates must take admission notices for all participating examinations on that test date to the state examination center and include all examination numbers on your test materials. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL 914-995-2117. DO NOT CONTACT NEW YORK STATE.

3.     Candidates who fail to receive either their admission notice or final disqualification notice by the Thursday prior to the examination are responsible for calling the Department of Human Resources (995-2117), for instructions.

4.     ELIGIBLE LISTS - Lists may be established for a maximum of four years. The resulting eligible list will be used to fill appropriate vacancies as they occur in the agencies listed on the face of this announcement.

5.     FOR COUNTY EMPLOYMENT - In accordance with Westchester County’s comprehensive Drug-Free Workplace Policy and Procedures, and commitment to maintain a safe, alcohol and drug- free work environment, you may be required to submit to a urinalysis and/or blood test.

6.     FOR COUNTY EMPLOYMENT – If offered employment, you will be subject to the Westchester County Fingerprinting Policy under which your appointment may be conditioned on the results of a fingerprinting investigation.

7.     This examination will be prepared and rated in accordance with Section 23(2) of the Civil Service Law.  The provisions of the New York State Civil Service Law, rules and regulations dealing with the preparation and rating of examinations will apply to this examination.

8.     Veterans and Veterans with Disabilities, who meet the criteria set forth in the Application for Examination, may be eligible for additional credits added to their earned scores if successful in examination. CREDITS MUST BE CLAIMED AT THE TIME OF FILING YOUR APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION AND YOU MUST ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR DD214 SEPARATION PAPERS. If claiming credit as a Veteran with a disability, attach form 102. If these documents are not submitted within sixty days of filing your application, your claim will be denied. "Active duty members of the Armed Forces have the right to request veteran credits prior to discharge. If you are currently on active duty you should check the appropriate box on the application and attach a letter requesting the use of credits with documentation verifying your active duty status: i.e. copy of military ID, military orders, official documents indicating current service, etc." See our website section "Special Rights for Veterans" for details regarding the use of these credits. Veterans who previously used non-disabled veteran credits for appointment to a position in New York State or local government AND, after his/her appointment, was subsequently classified by the Veterans Administration as a disabled veteran, are now eligible for an award of additional veteran credits.  If you are claiming additional disabled veteran credits as a result of the Amendment to Section Six of Article Five of the New York State Constitution effective January 1, 2014, Form 102 Authorization for Disability Record and Form 102S Authorization for Verification of Non-Disabled Veterans Credits Use must be submitted.  Completed forms must be received by the Westchester County Department of Human Resources before an eligible list is established in order to be granted credits on that eligible list.

9.     In conformance with section 85-a of the Civil Service Law, children of firefighters and police officers killed in the line of duty shall be entitled to receive an additional ten points on a competitive examination for original appointment in the same municipality in which his or her parent has served. If you are qualified to participate in this examination and are a child of a firefighter or police officer killed in the line of duty in this municipality, please inform this office of this matter when you submit your application for examination. A candidate claiming such credit has a minimum of two months from the application deadline to provide the necessary documentation to verify additional credit eligibility. However, no credit may be added after the eligible list has been established.





APPLICATION FILING FEE: County will waive the fees for civil service exams through December 31, 2022.


ALTERNATE TEST DAY REQUESTS: The Department of Human Resources periodically receives requests to reschedule candidates for civil service examinations under exceptional circumstances because individuals are unable to participate in the exams on their scheduled dates.


Upon presentation of appropriate documentation, the Department of Human Resources may grant an alternate test date. The granting of alternate test date is at the discretion of the Department of Human Resources. Examples such as the following may be considered as reasons for granting an alternate test date:


·         Death in the family or household or attendance at funeral or memorial service.

·         Medical illness or emergencies involving the candidate or member(s) of the family.

·         Military orders.

·         Religious observance (Candidate must submit required form).

·         Wedding

·         Vacation for which a non-refundable down payment was made before the announcement was issued.

·         Required court appearances.




Candidates who have met the criteria may be eligible for one alternate test date. As soon as a candidate is aware of a conflict prior to the scheduled test date, the candidate should notify the Examinations Unit by e-mail at, or call at (914) 995-2388. The request should contain a complete explanation of the reason the candidate cannot take the test on the scheduled date and include appropriate supporting documentation. It is essential that the Examinations Unit receive these requests before the date of the written test. Requests received on the date of the written test or thereafter will not be considered, unless they involve unforeseen emergencies. A medical emergency or illness occurring on the date of the examination must be documented by a medical professional seen on the date of the examination.


For emergencies, such as illness or death in the family, which occur on the scheduled written test date, the candidate must notify the Examinations Unit no later than close of business the Monday following the test date. If the candidate is unable to contact us, a family or household member, may, on the candidate's behalf, notify the Examinations Unit of the need for an alternate test date.


After consideration, the Examination Administration Unit will notify the candidate as to whether or not the request is granted.


APPLICANTS WITH DISABILITIES:  If special arrangements for testing are required, please indicate this on your application.


Westchester County Department of Human Resources

Recruitment and Selection Unit
148 Martine Avenue, Suite 100
White Plains, New York 10601




FAX: (914) 995-2009






Candidates are responsible for reporting in writing, all changes in name and/or address directly to the “Recruitment and Selection Unit” at the above address.  Please include examination number on all correspondence.


We may contact you with exam related correspondence (i.e. Admission Notice, Notice of Exam Results, Request for Additional Information and Transcripts, Disqualification Notices etc.) through e-mail. Candidates are responsible for maintaining valid e-mail and responding to e-mail notifications regarding Westchester County Civil Service examinations.


Admission cards may not be mailed to candidates until ten days prior to the examination date.


Candidates, who receive disqualification notices and wish to appeal such disqualification, must do so in writing.


WESTCHESTER COUNTY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.  It is the policy of Westchester County to provide for and promote the equal opportunity of employment, compensation and other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination because of age, race, creed, color, national origin, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other protected status.