New Calling System Will Provide Free Phone Access for Clients to Speak with Their Attorneys

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In a first-of-its-kind initiative for clients residing at the Westchester County Jail, Westchester County Executive Ken Jenkins launched the Free Client Phone Access Program. The Westchester County Office of Assigned Counsel (OAC), together with the Departments of Correction and Information Technology, collaborated to implement the calling system which will provide phone service for clients to speak with their attorneys, at no cost. The Free Client Phone Access Program is a revolutionary step towards granting access to counsel for clients with limited financial resources.

Jenkins said: “Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and has the same right to access qualified legal representation, regardless of their economic status. We want to ensure that residents at the jail feel supported when navigating the legal system, and no one should be at a disadvantage because of the cost of a phone call. This initiative guarantees a level playing field for everyone during this challenging time.”

The OAC oversees approximately 250 lawyers who are part of the Assigned Counsel Panel, the largest provider of mandated representation in Westchester County. In addition to representing clients who cannot afford to hire an attorney in both Criminal and Family proceedings, the OAC is responsible for ensuring the panel attorneys are well-qualified, have access to the resources needed to practice law at the highest level, and are paid with County and/or State funds as determined by New York State Law.

OAC Acting Administrator Stephanie Perez said: “The new system was rolled out just last month, and has already been a resounding success.  The latest data shows about 300 calls were placed just during the first month. The holiday season can be a difficult time for some, and providing this vital service to our clients at this time is yet another example of the commitment this County has displayed in ensuring equal access to justice for all.”

Department of Correction Commissioner Joseph K. Spano said: “I want to offer special recognition and thanks to participating representatives from the Office of Assigned Counsel and Westchester County Department of Correction for their forward thinking, and tireless collaboration on this important initiative. Additionally, I complement our talented partners from the County IT Department for the great work they did to transform our concepts into a feasible and efficient calling system. Establishing this enhanced free phone calling system at our Department adds another communication method for incarcerated individuals to utilize and maintain regular contact with their assigned attorneys. Doing so not only benefits them, it also has a positive impact on certain aspects of WDOC operations.”

Telecommunications Assistant Director Edward Wirchansky said: “Being entrusted to develop a system as important as this was a big honor for me. During the 21 years I have been with the IT Department, I believe I have gained the background, knowledge and experience to create a customized call system to meet the needs of both the OAC and the County Jail. It was a challenge but they gave me the ingredients and I came up with the recipe. It required a combination of automation and live interface to make it work, but it works and I am proud that everyone seems pleased with the results.”

Legislator Terry Clements said: “This program ensures that nobody in Westchester County will go without adequate legal representation due to their financial circumstances. We are incredibly grateful to those who put in the work to make this a reality, both those at the Office of Assigned Counsel, who serve these callers, and our County IT workers, who created the customized call system that makes this program possible.”

Legislator David Imamura said: “Everyone, including inmates awaiting trial, is entitled to due process. This is a common-sense solution to ensuring the justice system works as it’s intended to here in Westchester, and hopefully it can serve as a model for other local and county jail facilities across the state.”

There are five distinct panels under the OAC, with sub-panels as follows:


  • A-felony
  • Felony
  • Misdemeanor


Criminal Appeals


  • Tier II (Article 10 New York Family Court Act)
  • Tier I (Family Offense Petitions, Paternity, Custody, Visitation, etc.)

Family Court Appeals

The Office for Assigned Counsel is located at 235 Main St., Suite 540, White Plains, NY. For more information, call (914) 995-2991 or email .