people protecting roots

Protecting trees is important for their health and longevity.

Root protection
Title: Ask an Arborist: How Do I Avoid Damaging My Tree’s Roots?
Sponsoring Organization: Arbor Day Foundation
Description: Helpful 5-minute video about protecting tree roots. Most of a tree’s surface roots grow vertically only within only the top two feet of soil. Most of the tree’s surface roots grow horizontally out towards the tree’s dripline. To avoid root damage, install mulch from the trunk flare of the tree out to the edges of the dripline, which is demonstrated in the video. This will keep mowers and weed-whackers away from the trunk and roots.

Trunk protection
Title: Ask an Arborist: How to Mow Grass Around a Tree Trunk?
Sponsoring Organization: Arbor Day Foundation
Description: A 4-minute video about protecting trees planted in fields. If possible, create a grass-free circle around the trunk to keep mowers and trimmers from contacting and harming the trunk. If that is not possible, put a flexible tube around the tree to protect it while using the trimmer.