New York State assistance for municipal tree management
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (“DEC”) Land and Forests Program staff includes urban foresters to assist your municipality develop the components of a well-managed community forest. Westchester County is in DEC Region 3. The phone number at which you can leave a message for the Land and Forests Program is: (845) 256-3076. DEC’s Senior Urban Forester who covers Westchester is currently George Profous, who can be reached by calling (845) 256-3082 or sending an e-mail to .
Title: Managing Your Community Forest
Sponsoring organization: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Description: Explains four important elements of municipal tree management, gives an overview of where to find funding for your urban forest, and has contact information to reach the DEC Westchester County senior forester. The four elements are:
- A tree board
- A tree ordinance
- A tree management plan and
- A commitment to keeping up with the newest science and best management practices using professional staff or consultants.
Tree city USA
One-half of Westchester’s 48 municipalities are recognized annually as a Tree City USA. The benefits of this program include providing a framework for focusing community energy and resources on tree education, planting and maintenance, as well as earning eligibility to apply for certain tree grant funding. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) tree grant applications inquire as to whether municipalities are a recognized Tree City USA and give credit for this recognition.
Title: Tree City USA Standards
Sponsoring organization: Arbor Day Foundation
Description: Arbor Day Foundation is a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to planting and nurturing trees, and educating communities about their trees. Their program, Tree City USA, provides a framework for creating community tree programs. This site explains the four standards a community must meet to become a Tree City USA and has links to the application process and the benefits of the program. The four standards are:
- A Tree Board or Department
- A Tree Care Ordinance
- A Community Forestry Program With an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per Capita
- An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation (in New York State it is celebrated annually on the last Friday in April)