Tree ordinances are an essential tool by which a community can protect their existing trees. One-half of Westchester’s municipalities have enacted tree ordinances. To find out whether your municipality has a tree ordinance, go to your municipal website and look at your municipal ordinance code. Below you will find a link to the Town of Greenburgh’s newly adopted and comprehensive Tree Ordinance.
Tree ordinances can help protect your community tree resources in many ways. Some provisions that may be useful include those that:
1. Protect trees by establishing a tree removal, pruning and permitting process and parameters for legal versus illegal tree removal on private property by individuals, utility companies and others.
2. Identify a tree program manager, for example a municipal forester, responsible for administration of the ordinance.
3. Institute a tree removal replacement requirement, such that removal of non-hazardous trees brings with it tree replacement requirements.
4. Establish a tree fund to finance future tree planting into which funds can be directed in case tree replacement is impractical.
5. Adopt penalties sufficient to deter violations.
6. Designate who has enforcement authority.
7. Establish an appeal process.
Title: Tree Ordinances
Sponsoring Organization: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Description: A guide to help communities determine whether they need a tree ordinance, setting out basic components of a tree ordinance, and providing three generic sample ordinances.
Title: Town of Greenburgh Tree Ordinance-Chapter 260 Trees, Community Management
Sponsoring Organization: Town of Greenburgh, NY
Description: The text of the newly adopted and comprehensive Greenburgh municipal tree ordinance effective 01/04/2021.
Sample municipal tree planting programs
Pleasantville, NY has the “50-50 Tree Planting Program” through which residents can apply for a street tree to be planted in their street fronting property, splitting the tree cost with the Village. The Village pays 50 percent of the tree cost and provides the labor to plant the tree. The resident pays 50 percent of the tree cost and eventually owns and maintains the tree (except that permission is needed to remove the tree).
Title: Village of Pleasantville 50-50 Tree Planting Program FAQs
Sponsoring Organization: Village of Pleasantville, NY
Description: A Frequently Asked Questions fact sheet and application form for the 50/50 Tree Planting Program that is designed to supplement and enhance the aging street tree stock.
Scarsdale, NY operates an Annual Tree Planting Program, to replace removed street trees in the municipal right of way abutting residents’ property. In 2020 the program was expanded to include residents who have not lost a tree, but merely requested one.
The Scarsdale program:
- Maintains a tree list and plants only tree species that are native to the northeastern United States.
- Provides four different tree species from which to choose each year, to avoid creating a concentration of too few tree species which can exacerbate damage from insects and disease.
- Offers residents with utility wires on their side of the street a choice between two understory (shorter) species of trees to avoid creating a future conflict between the tree and the utility wires.
- Offers residents without utility wires on their side of the street a choice among four tree species, two understory (shorter) trees and two canopy (taller) trees.