The New York State Department of Conservation's Urban and Community Forestry Grants Program provides monetary grants and grants "in kind" of free bare-root and seedling trees and shrubs.
These grants can fund: (1) Tree Inventories, (2) Community Forest Management Plans, (3) Tree Planting, (4) Tree Maintenance, and (5) Education Programming for those who care for public trees. Westchester's New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's Senior Urban Forester, George Profous, is happy to answer questions and work with grant applicants. He can be reached at (845) 256-3082.
Title: Urban and Community Forestry Grants
Sponsoring Organization: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Description: Grant information including goals, eligibility, application materials and guidance.
Title: Search the New York State Urban Forestry Council site for “grants”
Sponsoring Organization: New York State Urban Forestry Council
Description: This publication lists up-to-date grant opportunities including those from the Arbor Day Foundation, United States Forest Service, and United States Department of Agriculture. New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management and education throughout New York to create a healthy urban and community forest and enhance quality of life.
Title: New York State Green Innovation Grant Program
Sponsoring Organization: New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation
Award Size: Up to $90,000 (Includes ~10 percent cost-sharing)
Description: This is a program aimed at green infrastructure projects to improve water quality by reducing and treating stormwater and its source through infiltration and/or evapotranspiration (e.g., trees). Within this program, there is a specific stormwater street tree/urban forestry program. Municipalities, private entities, state agencies and soil and water conservation districts are eligible.
Title: Trees for Tribs and Hudson River Estuary Trees for Tribs program
Sponsoring Organization: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC)
Description: Excellent State-run program that provides bare-root trees for planting near waterways. This is not a grant program, but rather a source for free trees for planting, as well as technical advice.
Title: Buffer in a Bag
Sponsoring Organization: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Description: The Buffer in a Bag program provides organizations and private landowners with free tree and shrub seedlings to help establish, or improve a stream buffer on their property. Anyone who owns or manages land in New York State with at least 50 feet along a stream or waterbody, is eligible to receive a free bag of seedlings. Organizations or individuals with permission to plant on a given property with stream or waterbody access may also participate. Plantings alongside water bodies create wildlife habitat and improve water quality. Each bag holds 25 tree and shrub seedlings.
Title: Tree Planting for Stormwater Treatment
Sponsoring Organization: East of Hudson Watershed Corporation
Description: Organization tasked with removing phosphorus from the NYC watershed will plant and maintain trees that meet certain location specifications. .Contact the Director of Engineering, 845-319-6349
How to buy trees
How to choose a tree at a nursery
Title: Buying High Quality Trees
Sponsoring Organization: is an educational website managed by the International Society of Arborists.
Description: Terrific two-page guide to bring with you to a nursery - helps you avoid problems and end up with healthy trees.
Beware of tree giveaways
You may be tempted to pick up a free tree during a promotional program. Please make sure that this tree species fits within your planting objectives, can survive your site’s conditions and will not harm our ecosystem.