To learn even more about combating invasive species, or the problems they cause, these resources provide further detail.

Title: Managing Common Invasive Species in Home Gardens
Channel/author: Ann Barry of Cornell Cooperative Extension, Rockland County (but talk focuses on Westchester County) Sponsoring Organizations: Jay Heritage Center, LHPRISM, Cornell Cooperative of Rockland County, Hudsonia, Little Garden Club of Rye, Rye Garden Club, and the Sustainability Committee of Rye.
Description: One hour, 26 minutes. Master Gardener Ann Barry provides engaging, informative video introduction to common invasive plant species often found in Westchester gardens, including Norwegian Maple (also known as Norway Maple), Porcelain Berry, Burning Bush, Multiflora Rose, Oriental Bittersweet, Wineberry, Mile-a- Minute, Purple Loosestrife, Black Swallowwort, Garlic Mustard, Japanese Angelica, Japanese Stiltgrass and Japanese Knotwood. Topics include how to recognize, control, eradicate and replace invasives with native plants, with visuals, including photographs.

Title: New York State Prohibited and Regulated Plants
Author/Source: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
Description:  Q&A on invasive species, with photos of prohibited and regulated NYS invasive species, including terrestrial, wetlands and aquatic species.

Title: "Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants," Updated and Expanded Edition 
Author: Douglas W. Tallamy
Publication: Updated Edition, 2009 (Timber Press)
Description: How incorporating native plants into your residential landscaping will attract native wildlife and help slow declines in their populations; includes information on invasive species of the Mid-Atlantic Region, their destructive effect on local ecology, and the difficulty of eradicating them.