Tufted titmouse and song sparrow shelter in native Rhododendron.
Title: Audubon NY Plants for Birds Database
Author/Source: New York Audubon Society
Description: Find bird-friendly native plants for your area by entering your zip code into the search tool.
Title: The Best Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines to Plant for Birds: A starter list
Author/Source: Cornell University Lab of Ornithology
Description: Basic list of yard-friendly trees and shrubs which will attract birds.
Title: Getting Started with Native Plants
Author/Source: New York Audubon Society
Description: Simple Steps for planting a native garden for birds.
Title: Berries for Birds Hedge
Author: Carolyn Summers
Description: How to plants a bird-friendly hedgerow.
Title: Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council's Native Plant Resource Guide
Author/Source: Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council
Description: Available on the Westchester County Town of Mount Pleasant's website at the top left of the page. This list includes native plants recommendations for various site conditions and tolerances, with a section on those that attract birds.