black swallowtail Black swallowtail caterpillar on parsley.

Title:  Pollinator Pop Up Toolkit/ Folleto Tridimensional Sobre Polinizadores
Author/Source:  Westchester Land Trust
Description: Simple ways to attract bees and butterflies to your yard or window box. Includes fun facts, bookmarks and ID guides for kids of all ages. Entire content available in English and Spanish language versions.

Title: Keystone Plants for Butterflies and Moths
Author:  Carolyn Summers
Description:  Keystone plants, a term coined by Dr. Douglas Tallamy, refers to those most productive native plants that serve as host plants for the caterpillars of Lepidoptera, and thus provide the foundation of our entire food web.

Title: Sample List of Trees and Shrubs for Bees Throughout the Seasons
Author/Source:   Pollinator Pathway Northeast       
Description:   Simple chart showing native trees and shrubs which feed bees from spring through to fall.

Title: Native Shrubs for Pollinators
Author/Source: Tufts University, Tufts Pollinator Initiative
Description: Practical one-page guide to native shrubs and the types of pollinators they attract.

Title: Sample List of Wildflowers Throughout the Seasons
Author/Source:  Pollinator Pathway Northeast
Description: Simple chart showing native perennials which provide pollen and nectar sources from spring through to fall.

Title: A Starter Guide to Creating a Butterflyway Through Your Neighborhood
Author/Source: David Suzuki Foundation
Description: Colorful guide to seven simple steps for creating a pollinator-friendly yard.

Title: Planting Pollinator Habitat
Author/Source: Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - Pollinator Network @ Cornell
Description:   Detailed plant selection and habitat information, including how to plant for native bees.

Title: Planting Pollinator-Friendly Gardens
Author/Source: Penn State Extension
Description:  Simple guide to installing and maintaining a pollinator garden.

Title: Mount Pleasant, NY Conservation Advisory Council's Native Plant Resource Guide
Author/Source: Mount Pleasant Conservation Advisory Council
Description:   Available on the Westchester County Town of Mount Pleasant's website at the top left of the page. This list includes native plants recommendations for various site conditions and tolerances.

Title: Host Plants for Pollen Specialist bees of the Eastern United States
Author/Source: Sam Droege and Jarrod Fowler, reknown bee specialists
Description:  plant list 

Title:  Bees: An Identification and Native Plant Forage Guide
Author:   Heather Holm
Publisher:   Pollination Press LLC, 2017
Description:   A comprehensive list of native bees and the plants that they need. Contains pictures and descriptions of plants to be included in a pollinator garden.