Are you more interested in planting flowers, herbs, or vegetables--or even fruits? Do you have a lot of sun or shade? What type of plant is beautiful to you, and what type of plants grow well in containers? Do you want to benefit pollinators or birds? Thinking ahead and selecting the right type of plant to accommodate your space and preference will help you create a container garden that brings you joy and accomplishes your objectives!
Title: Vegetable and Herb Gardening in Containers
Author/Source: Cornell Cooperative Extension
Description: Clear 5-page overview of growing vegetables and herbs in containers, including a detailed plant chart of vegetables and their container garden requirements. Also available in Spanish:
Title: Extending the Garden with Great Native Plants in Pots
Author/Source: Kim Eierman, Ecobeneficial
Description: While many gardeners plant in pots, few realize that there are many native plants which will do very well in containers. Not only are native perennials and smaller shrubs less expensive than exotic annuals as container plants, they provide many ecological benefits.
Title: Container Gardening
Author/Source: Cornell University - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Description: Ideas for plants that grow well in containers and that benefit birds.
Title: Container Gardens Made for the Shade
Author/Source: Garden Design
Description: Describes types of plants that are good for a shade garden, and how to optimize the conditions for growing shade-loving plants.
Title: No Fail Garden for Designing Beautiful Containers (Thrillers, Fillers & Spillers)
Author/Source: Garden Gate Magazine
Description: Describes the difference between “thriller,” “filler,” and “spiller” plants that can be grown in containers, why you might choose one type of plant over another, and how to mix the three types to create a lovely garden.
Start from seed
When starting a container garden, you can choose to purchase seedlings or to start plants from seed. Plant seed packets will provide instructions with the specifics about the depth and spacing for planting each seed. Starting your plants from seed is a fun way to observe the germination process!
At times, local organizations such as county Cornell Cooperative Extensions offer workshops on Container Gardening, some of which may be virtual.
Title: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Westchester County
Author/Source: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Westchester County
Description: Local resource for information on soils, plant selection, plant care, eco-friendly practices, integrated pest management, and more. Offers free or low-cost gardening classes all year long.
For additional resources, please see the following sections of Planting Westchester:
A container for gardening.
Selecting the types of pots to use in a container garden is both fun and purposeful! From terra cotta to wood, and from purchased to repurposed household items, there are pots that look lovely and also fit into any budget. These resources cover what factors to consider when selecting containers, whether for ornamentals or edibles. Some articles cover containers well-suited for growing food, such as self-watering containers and "grow bags." Information on making your own low-cost containers is included.
Title: Self-Watering Containers: The Basics
Author/Source: Kerry Michaels, The Spruce
Description: Overview of types of self-watering containers, how they work, and their advantages.
Title: Why We Love Self-Watering Containers
Author/Source: Young Urban Farmers
Description: Introduction to self-watering containers--containers that have a reservoir of water built into the bottom of the system--and their advantages, especially for growing edibles.
Title: 14 Best DIY Self-Watering Container Ideas
Description: Ideas for DIY self-watering containers that you can make, often repurposing materials that would otherwise be discarded.
Title: Earthbox Learning Center
Description: Whether or not you choose to use this particular self-watering planter product (or make your own with some of the DIY tips in other articles and books listed above), the Learning Center offers a host of useful articles and other information on gardening with containers, including a section of how-to videos as well as videos showing examples of the use of these self-watering containers in rooftop farms, teaching gardens, etc.
Title: Container Gardening
Author/Source: Tara Hammonds, Cornell College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Description: Brief article discussing considerations for choosing containers for urban farming. Also includes links to other articles including a detialed and thorough Urban Guide to Farming in NY, which may be of interest to those exploring urban agriculture.
Title: Pros and Cons of Using Grow Bags for Gardening
Author/Source: Shelley Pierce and Tonya Barnett, (blog)
Description: Analysis of the pros and cons of using fabric "grow bags" as containers.
Choosing the right soil for your pots isn’t difficult and can make a big difference in the healthy growth of your plants. Learning the difference between potting and gardening soils, and when and how to fertilize your plants is key to a successful Container Garden! Many people feel more comfortable growing vegetables in a container, as they know the soil will be free of impurities.
Title: Outdoor Container Gardening
Author/Source: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Rockland County
Description: Overview of outdoor container gardening includes 3 formulas for making your own potting soil medium for containers, depending on what type of plants will be grown, as well as suggestions for fertilizer types.
Title: Choosing the Best Potting Soil Mix for Container Gardening
Author/Source: Get Busy Gardening
Description: The article describes many considerations for container gardeners when choosing soil, including what type of container is being used, the difference between garden soil and potting soil, the need for fertilizers or compost, etc.
Container gardening is a relatively easy and manageable way to grow beautiful flowers and delicious herbs and vegetables--even some fruits. You don’t need much space – a patio, porch, or even a windowsill will do!
Gardening in containers offers many benefits (small footprint, portability, flexibility, accessibility, aesthetics, ability to control factors such as soil, and more). Some types of containers can offer additional benefits compared to growing plants in the ground; these include self-watering containers (also sometimes referred to as sub-irrigated planters or SIPs).
Selecting the right types of plants for sunny or shady spots and choosing the right pots or planters for your preferred plants will help you cultivate a delightful container garden at your home or business.
With a simple pot or planter, you can contribute to local food security, benefit native species of pollinators, and add beauty to your environment. Ranging from a pot on a windowsill to an urban farm on a rooftop, these resources can offer some inspiration and guidance.
Overview Resources
The following resources provide an overview of the topic.
Title: Container Gardening
Author/Source: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County
Description: Good 3-page overview of container gardening, including containers, growing medium, plant selection (focus is on ornamentals), fertilization, watering, maintenance.
Title: The Best Guide to Container Gardening (Everything You Need to Know)
Author/Source: The Well Essentials (a blog/content site)
Description: Describes good plants for sun or shade, for a patio or a windowbox, and what types/sizes of containers are better for various flowers and vegetables.
Title: How to Have a Container Garden for Beginners
Author/Source: My Little Green Garden (blog)
Description: This article describes four types of items that can be grown in containers (herbs, vegetables, flowers, and fruit) and how to select containers and potting soil.
Title: Container Gardening with Vegetables and Herbs
Author/Source: Barbara Pleasant, Mother Earth News
Description: Overview of growing edibles in containers, including discussion of DIY self-watering containers, potting soil, fertilizer, and types of plants suited for container growing.
Title: Urban Gardening with Vegetables and Flowers
Author/Source: Rossana Martinez for
Description: A video offering inspiration for rooftop and small space gardens from a gardener in Brooklyn, NY. She talks about the types of containers she uses, including self-watering containers, revolution, and honeycomb planters. She also shows the types of herbs, vegetables, and flowers that she grows on her rooftop, including pollinators. The article associated with the video discusses choosing soil or potting mix, watering, and fertilizing container plants.
Title: Start a Rooftop Container Garden
Author/Source: Medi Blum, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Description: "You can transform a flat, tar roof into a lovely outdoor haven with container plantings. A well-planned rooftop garden can also provide habitat for local wildlife and mitigate storm-water runoff. Here's what you need to know to start one of your own." This article was originally published in Green Roofs and Rooftop Gardens (2010), part of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Guides for A Greener Planet series.
Title: The Vegetable Gardener's Container Bible: How to Grow a Bounty of Food in Pots, Tubs, and Other Containers
Author/Source: Edward C. Smith
Publisher: Storey Pub., 2011
Description: Illustrated 264-page book on how to successfully create and care for an edible container garden, from choosing the right plants and selecting appropriate containers through controlling pests without chemicals and harvesting fresh vegetables.
Title: Fresh Food from Small Spaces: The Square Inch Gardener's Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting and Sprouting
Author/Source: R.J. Ruppenthal
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 2008
Description: This 178-page book provides a practical and comprehensive guide to growing food in small spaces (particularly urban ones), including how to make the most of limited light, vertical gardening, and what plants do the best in containers--even berries and dwarf fruit trees! Chapter 3 covers how to buy or build your own productive vegetable containers, including low-cost self-watering planters.