George Latimer issued 24 executive orders between 2018 and 2022. Below are those issued in 2023.

  • 01/18/2023 -- Executive Order 1  Westchester County Departments, agencies, boards, and commissions, and officials shall be guided by the following definition of Anti-Asian bias in complying with, implementing and enforcing laws and regulations that prohibit acts of discrimination or harassment against Asian Americans in Westchester County.

  • 03/31/2023 -- Executive Order 2  Westchester County has established its leadership in protecting its residents by adopting human rights and fair housing ordinances that explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, and protecting youth.

George Latimer issued 26 executive orders between 2018 and 2023. Below are those issued in 2024.

    • 2/1/2024 -- Executive Order 1  Robert’s Rules of Order is the standard manual of codes and rules of ethics that govern discussions and decision-making in non-legislative organizations with boards of directors and committees. This framework helps Chairpersons have systematic, orderly, and goal-oriented meetings.
    • 2/12/2024 -- Executive Emergency Notice  Winter storm warning local state of emergency.
    • 2/28/2024 -- Executive Order 2  The County of Westchester provides equal opportunity to all individuals in its personnel and employment practices and maintains a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of harassment or discrimination in compliance with Federal and New York State Human Rights laws and its own policies.
    • 3/27/2024 -- Executive Order 4  Creation of a Westchester County Gun Violence Task Force to advise the County Executive and the board of legislators.


    • 01/01/2019 -- Executive Order 1  Ensure language access services are available for translation and interepretion of County programs and services.

    • 04/23/2019 -- Executive Order 2  Designation of the Climate Smart Communities Task Force to promote and support climate mitigation and adaptation in the county.

    • 05/24/2019 -- Executive Order 3  Biannual testing of groundwater and surface water at the Westchester County Airport for the presence of pollutants, but not limited to PFAS.

    • 05/24/2019 -- Executive Order 4  Replace any conflicting provisions in any prior executive order with respect to the use of toxic polyfluoralkyl substances (PFAS) that threaten clean drinking water and is linked to other serious health issues.

    • 07/08/2019 -- Executive Order 5 Only the Executive Branch has the authority to sell parcels of parkland or submit proposed sales of buildings, improvements or materials within the boundary lines of County-owned parkland.

    • 07/10/2019 -- Executive Order 6 Creation of Complete Count Committee

    • 10/11/2019 -- Executive Order 7 Creation of an Asian-American Advisory Board

    • 09/19/2019 -- Executive Order 8 Creation of an Arab-American Advisory Board


    • 02/28/2020 -- Executive Order 1  Use of exotic animals for performances on Westchester County property is duly forbidden.

    • 03/016/2020 -- Local Emergency Order 1  Westchester County Executive George Latimer declares State of Emergency in response to COVID-19 Pandamic.


    • 05/10/2021 -- Executive Order 1  Facilitate the electrification of the Counties’ fleet to reduce the carbon footprint and save taxpayer dollars.

    • 12/08/2021 -- Executive Order 2 Local state of Emergency declared for Westchester County.