Regal Bald Eagle on the Hudson River: A prize-winning photo from the annual TeaTown Hudson River EagleFest photography competition
The Official Website for Westchester County Government


Regal Bald Eagle on the Hudson River: A prize-winning photo from the annual TeaTown Hudson River EagleFest photography competition

Photo by Robin Zimmerman


Defining Leadership

county executive

"I hope you will join me in celebrating Westchester for all that it has to offer – a unique tapestry of people, places and cultures that when blended together, create the County we all love to call home." Read the CE's welcome.


Moving Forward in Westchester

#MyWestchester Youtube Video

#MyWestchester Youtube Video


Westchester County Working For You

Every County department is hard at work for the nearly one million people who call Westchester home.

Happy woman
The Department of Community Mental Health (DCMH) plans, oversees and coordinates services for individuals with behavioral health issues and their families. Behavioral health includes mental illness, developmental/intellectual disabilities and substance use disorders.
multi-colored star
Stay up to date with latest Westchester County Economic Development news, featured events, and upcoming activities.
Woman reading to children
Westchester County provides eligible families with financial help with day care payments. Call our Child Care Assistance Unit at (914) 995-6521 to see how we can help.

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